Monday, April 30, 2012


The year was 1944, young men were off serving their country in the military. Young ladies were finishing high school and going off to college. Gloria was in love. Her young man was John J. Felice. It was the best of times and the worst of times as John had to go off to war again serving in the United States Navy aboard the USS Tillman that carried cargo to our troops around the world. But all ended well. Johnny came home and together they were off and running starting a brand new life. While John was in Chiropractic College, Gloria used your talent to earn extra money by playing piano in night clubs and dinner rooms. She didn't have a formal music education. Hers was a natural gift. Gloria's comes from a line of gifted ladies but she was the only with with the gift for playing the piano. Today at age 87, Gloria is still playing - although mainly at home. And her young handsome husband John, is still her greatest fan! These recordings were recorded when Gloria was 85 years old and she still plays beautifully! Enjoy!